One of the quickest ways to dramatically improve your appearance is with professional teeth whitening. A teeth whitening treatment by our Dallas Teeth Whitening Dental Office will certainly change the way people see you, but it can also give a great boost to your feeling of self-confidence.
Teeth whitening treatments performed by a cosmetic dentist will generally last anywhere from 6 to 12 months. The lifestyle choices you make and your daily oral hygiene habits, along with your age, determine how long the teeth whitening treatment lasts. Coffee, red wine and dark teas and smoking are the main culprits that cause teeth to stain and darken because they all contain tooth-staining agents. But you can take steps that will extend the teeth whitening results as long as possible. Start by eliminating or avoiding these items to help extend the effects of your tooth whitening. Making appointments with your Dallas, TX Cosmetic Dentistfor touch-ups every 4-6 months will also aid in helping that bright, white smile last longer.
The structure of your teeth is another factor that can influence how long your teeth whitening treatment lasts is. Plaque and bacteria can linger in spaces between crooked or overcrowded teeth, possibly spreading and leading to discoloration as well as other oral health issues. Using a tooth whitening toothpaste recommended by your dentist or hygienist after each meal will also aid in maintaining a bright, white smile. Ask your dentist to recommend a mouth rinse to help remove bacteria and stain-causing food particles from between your teeth.
There is no teeth whitening procedure that can promise permanent results. As we age, our teeth become somewhat porous, easily absorbing staining agents from tobacco, coffee, red wine, etc. If you begin to notice your teeth are becoming yellowed again, ask your dentist before using having any other tooth whitening treatment, even an over-the-counter kit. Too much whitening too fast should be avoided.