Is Anxiety Ruining Your Oral Health? The Dallas Dentist Explains Benefits of Nitrous Oxide

Written by Dr. Lin on May 9, 2017

Feeling anxious about dental visits is quite common, and nothing to be embarrassed about. People suffer dental anxiety for many different reasons ranging from a bad childhood experience to worries about gagging during treatment. Whatever your concern, the Dallas dentist has the skill and training needed to provide you with a comfortable, stress-free experience.

Safe, Gentle Nitrous Oxide
For your comfort, we offer nitrous oxide, a sweet-smelling, non-irritating, colorless gas that is administered through a small mask. Nitrous oxide has been the primary means of sedation in dentistry for many years. It is safe, and our equipment is calibrated so that you receive 50–70% oxygen with no less than 30% nitrous oxide.
You will be able to breathe on your own and will be vaguely aware of the activity around you. In some cases, you may experience a type of temporary mild amnesia or even fall asleep. Many of our patients don’t remember what happened during their appointment with the use of nitrous oxide.
Advantages To Using Nitrous Oxide
The depth of sedation can be monitored and adjusted by the dentist throughout treatment.
There is no after effect such as drowsiness.
Inhalation sedation is safe with no side effects on your heart and lungs, etc.
Inhalation sedation is very effective in minimizing gagging.
Nitrous works rapidly as it reaches the brain within 20 seconds. In as little as 2–3 minutes its relaxation and pain killing properties develop.
When We Don’t Recommend Nitrous Oxide 
We do not recommend nitrous oxide if you have been diagnosed with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Though there are no other major contraindications to using nitrous oxide, you may not want to use it if you have emphysema, MS, a cold, or other difficulties with breathing.
The Dallas dentist has helped many patients reclaim healthy, beautiful teeth through relaxing sedation dentistry. Please give our office a call if you are ready to overcome your anxiety and get the care you need.